How Facilities Managers Can Best Leverage Construction Technology

How Facilities Managers Can Best Leverage Construction Technology


Facility management concept. Building resource management covers activities related to buildings or various locations. Businessman using laptop with facility management icon on virtual screen.

Technology seems to be evolving at an exponential speed. From artificial intelligence and machine learning to augmented reality, it can feel overwhelming to keep up! But it doesn’t have to be that way. By adopting a few simple construction technologies to digitize outdated processes, facility managers can improve workflows and project management, increase collaboration and efficiency, and even save money.

Construction Technology in the Field

Technology is changing the landscape of the construction industry, and it is critical for facilities managers to lead the charge in their organization’s digital transformation. With innovations like data collection apps, drones, BIM software, augmented reality, wearables, 3D printing, and AI, the potential is huge, but figuring out where to start can be tricky.  Data collection apps are an intuitive solution that can provide facility managers with valuable insights for project management and prioritizing often limited budgets.

With the rise of mobile technologies like phones and tablets, data collection apps have made it easier for facility managers to gather accurate, high-quality data in real time.  Every site, building, roof, deficiency, warranty issue, and repair activity becomes fully discoverable. “Data collection app users have reported more than 20 field and administrative hours saved each week, along with a 50 percent reduction in data errors” [1]. These apps can ensure issues are resolved quickly, speed up deliverable turnaround, and help manage roof warranties, fall protection hazards and inspection schedules.

Benefits of Implementing a Data Collection App

Using construction technology for your facilities can increase productivity, improve collaboration and simplify complex projects into manageable phases. “With workers, engineers, and equipment distributed around a jobsite, plus offsite stakeholders, including project managers and the customer, it can be hard to get everyone on the same page when a decision needs to be made” [2]. Siloing facilities data can be an obstacle to successful collaboration, and mobile technologies allow for a seamless project experience that gets all stakeholders on the same page.

According to the International Facility Managers Association (IFMA), “Consolidating tools and reports reduces data entry and compilation duplication, potentially saves costs on multiple subscription or platform fees, and establishes a single reference point of measure to manage across multiple teams” [3]. As the saying goes, you can’t manage what you aren’t measuring, so having your data all in one place can allow for better visualization, the ability to drill down into the data, and help organizations find opportunities to reduce energy and waste [3].

Visualize Your Data and Prioritize Your Spend

The objective is to transform data into meaningful information and then convert that information into valuable insights. Once inventory and condition assessment data are collected, facility managers can use it in powerful ways.

ON-PNT® is one such tool that turns data into actionable insights. It offers seamless field-to-office data collection, high-level data analysis, and robust GIS mapping to visualize your building data. With project management features and extensive document management capabilities, ON-PNT® helps facility managers create budget plans that effectively prioritize capital and repair spending, maximizing return on investment.

ON-PNT® also illustrates how annual spending affects deferred maintenance and asset conditions, helping managers determine the right budget and secure funding approval. Overall, it simplifies complex repair and replacement projects into manageable phases, enhancing collaboration and ensuring your budget is used effectively.

Every building has a story to tell, and construction technologies help facility managers uncover and understand it.

Contact Us Today!

At Technical Assurance we are passionate about helping Building Owners solve problems within their facilities, whether it’s one building or a multi-building portfolio. If you’re feeling overwhelmed with where to start on your proactive approach to sustainability take our facilities self-assessment to help you get started, or contact us today for a consultation.

