Connecting Facility Needs with Financial Goals
The ON-PNT® Enterprise Building System Management solution is a GIS (geographic information system) enabled database and web portal technology solution for building system asset management, design services and bid management, construction management and sustainable maintenance management. ON-PNT® allows facility owners the ability to manage building system inventory, condition assessments and ongoing system data within one central location. This cutting-edge technology provides robust GIS mapping and automated reporting metrics for simple data consumption.
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Enable a More Efficient Field Crew with Mobile Apps
Data Collection
The GIS-enabled Progressive Web Application (PWA) mobile map increases the efficiency and effectiveness of field crews. Field data syncs with the web portal for seamless field-to-office connectivity.
Use Metrics and Goals to Assess Performance
Data Consumption
The ON-PNT® dashboard provides high-level executive Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) metrics based on defined goals, benchmarks and objectives that are tracked through the platform. This includes custom charts, reports and budget modeling.
Get Visual with Dynamic GIS Mapping
Data Visualization
The ON-PNT® GIS-mapping allows the user to easily visualize the condition of building system assets, document PM and repair work and analyze the effect it has on the system.
Simplify Management Tools with a Central Data Repository
Data Management
Life extension recommendations including cost estimates and timelines, financial planning for capital and repair projects, and robust data and document libraries for all phases of a program.
Using Scientific Metrics for Condition Assessment & Inventory
The purpose of evaluating a facility is to develop an accurate condition assessment and inventory of the multi-facility building systems. ON-PNT® uses three basic Facility Asset Management scientific metrics to create automated reports:
Condition Index (CI)
Each building system component is assessed to establish a current objective condition rating on a 0-100 scale.
Remaining Service Life (RSL)
Each building system component studied is assigned a remaining service life value based upon the section’s objective condition index (CI) rating.
Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
Each building system component studied includes a total cost of ownership calculation.
Built-In Intelligence for Budget & Capital Planning
ON-PNT® includes a built-in business intelligence for capital and O&M budgeting and planning. The automated budget solution include scientific methodology for prioritizing capital replacements and repair projects. The ON-PNT® budget report and project analyzer tool is based upon the following objective scores:
Condition Index (CI)
Each building component section has an objective condition index percentage from 0-100%.
Mission Dependency Index (MDI)
Assigned to each building, an MDI of 100% represents the owner’s most critical building and 0.00 is for non-mission-critical buildings.
System Criticality Index (SCI)
A system criticality index score is used on multi-system project rankings. The SCI is used along with the CI and MDI when ranking all building systems together.
Triage Score
A triage score is calculated based upon the building components CI and MDI. Each capital or repair project is assigned an actual ranking number.
Program & Project Management
ON-PNT® serves as a central repository for design services and bid management, and construction management. Our building envelope asset management programs include the development of design solutions for systems requiring repair, restoration and/or remediation. Following design, our team manages and administers the construction process and performs quality observation to ensure that the construction is installed in accordance with the design documents.
Document management from each of these program and project phases is housed within ON-PNT®. Inclusive of:
- Bid form generation
- Bid analysis tools and result reporting
- Document Library
- Post bid contract issuance and management
- Submittal management
- Shop drawing management
- Contractor scheduling and management
- Pay request management
- Change order management
- Punch list and final inspection management
- As-built and closeout process management
- Warranty management
- Ongoing reporting and KPI monitoring of schedule and project costs
Life Cycle Management
Implement and monitor sustainable life cycle management plans, inclusive of predictive and preventative maintenance and warranty management tools to ensure continuity and sustainability of the entire process. ON-PNT® forecasts where assets are within their life cycle and establishes programmatic processes to reduce the total cost of ownership. ON-PNT® helps streamline the life cycle management process through:
- Field Data Management
- Defect Repair Management
- Maintenance Management
- Warranty Inspection Alerts & Management
Rooftop Fall Protection Hazard Assessments
As part of our roof consulting services, the Technical Assurance team can perform routine rooftop fall protection hazard assessments to help keep your facilities compliant and maintain safe rooftop working environments.
Data collected from the assessments will be accessible within the ON-PNT® platform. Our assessment report will provide recommendations, design options and estimations of probable cost for hazard remediation with new systems.