Packaging Corp of America (PCA) has grown rapidly in the last decade through acquisition and expansion. As a result, they have inherited a facility portfolio that required a national assessment program so that management could prioritize facility related repair and replacement needs.
In 2018, Technical Assurance began the assessment of 18m SF of roofs, 5.4m SF of walls and 13.7m SF of pavements for 95 sites across the country for PCA. Our multi-men teams completed the assessments within a 7-month timespan.
The collected data was put into ON-PNT® along with historical system data, deficiencies, leaks, as-built information and other relevant system data. The goal of the assessment is to establish a condition index baseline of their exterior building systems in order to understand how to prioritize repair and replacement projects over the next 1, 3, 5 and 10 years.
Technical Assurance’s roof assessors, outfitted with GIS-enabled iPad tablets, gather available roof system data and observed roof defect data for import into the ON-PNT® Enterprise Solution. The assessment roof data, once imported into the ON-PNT® database, automatically sets roof estimated replacement costs, other costs associated with construction and consulting fees, and the costs of defect repairs listed and current maintenance costs. A condition index (CI), remaining service life (RSL) and total cost of ownership (TCO) value was calculated for each facility site and across the portfolio.
As a result of the assessment, Technical Assurance was able to provide PCA with both site-specific and portfolio reports on their leased buildings. These reports supported PCA with ongoing lease negotiations with building owners.
During the assessment, our team identified a few critical roof replacements that needed immediate attention as well as some structural wall issues that posed life safety risk. We provided PCA with corrective action plans in order to avoid catastrophic issues and future hazardous conditions.